The Oak Group is the first brand on the Polish market, bringing together a number of providers of such a large number of services - strategic planning, media buying, advertising campaigns, marketing communication, public relations and many others. The Oak Group offer has been created in response to the dynamic growth
of these markets and their consolidation. It is addressed to the active marketing companies, which expect both innovative and comprehensive solutions. Strategic thinking about the customer and brand marketing with years of experience are a measure of the strength and potential of the Oak Group.
Trusted us:
Crimson Oak is a media house whose origins must be look for at an advertising agency with the same name, which was created with passion, energy and ideas of its founders. From many years we demostrate that the enthusiasm and hard work are key determinants of success. We observe a people and learn about the new opportunities. We build our own projects by changing every idea to the experience. Today, we are a strong team, ready to take on any challenge.
By creating we realize themselves, by working we are pull together. However, the most important thing is the customer satisfaction.
Openness, continued development and impeccable organization of the work team Crimson Oak as well as the high quality of the tools allowed us to complete many large-scale media campaigns, of which we are proud. By taking new challenges in a spirit of healthy competition, constantly strive to be the best on the market.
Oak Hosting is ideal for all demanding customers. From our own experience, we know that reliability is the key to success on the internet, therefore we offer you the best on the market dedicated servers service. Due to the first-class parameters, they are indispensable in social networking services for large, complex web portals or sophisticated business websites.
By using our services you will receive guarantees on system uptime and security of data entrusted to us. Oak Hosting is also unlimited data transfer, unlimited mailbox capacity as well as the unique selection and registration of domains.
With Oak Hosting service, web sites of our clients are professional 24 hours a day.
43-190 Mikołów
ul. Plebiscytowa (przy DK44)
tel.: +48 32 253 54 05
PrzyczepSie.pl is the biggest advertisement agency in the Upper Silesia. We have more than 100 vehicles in our rolling stock. We offer a wide range of services with the usage of modern advertising trailers.
Nowadays mobile advertising is a very popular way of presentation. It allows breaking through the crowd of advertising messages in an unusual way. It may be located in surprising places and situations. The advertising message, the place and the time context make the advert noticeable. It also allows creating unconventional advertising campaign.
PrzyczepSie.pl is a complex help in the process of realization the mobile advertisement, starting from the project, through the print, up to installation and delivery into the chosen place.
Ellite is the agency in which the professional interior designers and decorators work on developing a unique climate in each of the places arranged for you.
It is a subtle suggestion to all those who by sleek and stylish new design want to express your personality and interests. Perfectly matched components will create a combination of convenience and utility, which will give you a feeling of comfort, safety and exclusive. For Ellite's professionals interior design is work, pleasure, but first of all great passion. All with attention to the image of the customer.
If you buy a new place or want to change something in the old and do not know how to plan everything to constitute a harmonious whole - Ellite's offer is addressed to you.
Inception is a sport’s club created for people with passion, who value comfort, intimacy and accuracy.
‘Inception’ is the beginning of changes in the life of club’s member. It directs you to the realization of the goals, which were set before, no matter if the aim is to finish the marathon, triathlon or to take care of a body shape.
‘Inception’ is a stuff of highly qualified instructors, who share years of experience and knowledge, confirmed by many training courses and high interpersonal skills. We own the top quality sports equipment and the equipment for rehabilitation purposes, to build up your health and condition, as well as provide everyday dose of positive energy.
Diver Club is the original project, which is conducted under the auspices of the Oak Group. In one unique place, we bring together people who share common hobbies, a unique range of skills and experience. A distinctive community of DiverClub consists of an active and ambitious people, who take the challenges. These are our partners!
For such people we gather information about the best dive sites and databases, provide an electronic logbook, a notebook and a galleries. All this so they can share their experiences from the latest diving expeditions and easily organize the next.
In our work, as in diving, the most important is the partnership and full cooperation. Thanks to DiverClub we are closer to the people, know their capabilities and needs. We show each other - our unusual activity, special interest and extensive experience. This is the Oak Group!